Leto v znamení Tatranských klasík

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Po dlhej zime naše prvé tohtoročné letné tatranské lezenie smerovalo 8. júna do cesty Štáflovka na Voliu vežu. Nie až tak technicky náročná, ale zato esteticky krásna klasika. Cesta vedie pevnou skalou, borhákmi osadenými štandmi a s nádhernými výhľadmi do dolín a na úpätia končiarov ešte pokrytých snehom.

Ako ďalšiu cestu sme si vybrali Cesta cez knihu na Žeruchách, tentokrát Filip nemohol, a tak mi parťáka robil Milan, pre ktorého to bola jeho prvá cesta Tatrách. Prvé dĺžky ma nejako nezaujali, keďže si na ne okrem jedného veľkého voľného šutru ani veľmi nespomínam, zato ´´kniha´´ to vynahradila pekným lezením. Po jej prekonaní pokračujeme III-kovým terénom na vrchol Východnej Žeruchovej veže, keďže sme tam ešte neboli a potom už len dole k batohom cez žlab s dvoma zlaňákmi.

29. júla sme zavítali do Cesty k slnku na Malý Ľadový štít. Spočiatku nám robili starosti hmla a mraky, ale nakoniec sa to všetko umúdrilo a my sme sa vybrali za slnkom. Charakteristické pre túto cestu je veľmi pekné lezenie v záverečných platniach. Táto lezecká cesta vedie v južnej stene výrazným pilierom a so štandmi odistená borhákmi.

Cesta cez výlom, Velická stena– Volá mi Peťo Urbanský, sú traja a zišiel by sa im niekto ďalší nech môžeme liezť ako 2 dvojky. Neváham a hneď súhlasím. Ráno sa dosť zdržíme, a tak prichádzame na Sliezsky neskoro, mraky taktiež sadli a stenu takmer nevidno. Vyslovuje sa myšlienka vykašľať sa dnes na to. Ideme sa ale pozrieť pod nástup, kde uvidíme čo a ako. Peťovmu parťákovi je zle, a tak sa rozhodnú neliezť, ja si však vravím, keď som už tu, tak prečo to neskúsiť, aspoň zopár dĺžok… Mne pridelený parťák, Ľuboš, s ktorým som sa zoznámil predchvíľou to taktiež chce skúsiť, a tak sa púšťame do hmly. Podarí sa mi nezablúdiť ( zablúdili sme až pri zostupu, kde sme si nevšimli odbočuje mega široký chodník, a tak šliapeme znovu naspäť do kopca, aby sme nemali málo) , aj čas máme dobrý, aj kľúčové miesto prekonávame bez problémov, voláme Peťovi že sme v pohode a zostupujeme.

Ošarpance, Puškášova cesta. Dlho som pozeral na krásne vyzerajúce platne Ošarpancov, kým som sa konečne cítil na pokus o ich prelez. Predsa len v tejto ceste už treba liezť trochu viac, no v ceste sa dá parádne založiť, a taktiež borhák v kľúčovom mieste pomôže na morále. Miestami som musel trochu zabojovať, najmä odolať nutkaniu chytiť expres, ale nakoniec úspešne. Z rampy zlaňujeme do snehového poľa. Nezobrali sme si so sebou topánky (veď načo), takže si to v lezkách po snehu (neodporúčam ), v nie práve najteplejšom období, valíme k ruksakom. Milan konštatuje, že lezečky na snehu nedržia najlepšie… Ťahá ma to ešte do Plška, ale myšlienka na zmrznuté prsty v mokrých lezečkách ( ďalšia dobrá lezecká výhovorka čo?) nás od toho odrádza, a tak sa poberáme dole, že aspoň cesnačku na Popradskom stihneme, samozrejme nestihli sme. Každopádne jedna z naj ciest, akú som išiel. PS: išiel som toho, ale dosť málo.

Po perióde zlého počasia prišlo babie leto a Ľubovni akosi ožívajú lezci na čele s naším predsedom, a tak sú u mňa skalky takmer na dennom poriadnu. Sneh sa v Tatrách už trochu potopil, a tak ma to opäť ťahá navštíviť nejaký ten kopček. Parťáka som zohnal Ľuboša, ktorý si kvôli tomu berie voľno v práci ( dikes ). Vybrali sme sa na Motyku, na Širokú vežu. Nejako na ťažko som sa zbalil, skoro vstával na vlak a nástup je poriadne dlhý, neviem sa dočkať, kedy konečne zložím batoh začnem liezť. Nejako sa slimačím tempom doplazím pod stenu a začíname liezť. Prvá dĺžka vedie po ´´sväteničkách´´, sem tam trochu vody a poriadne dlhý odlez, no v ľahkom. Slnko pečie, skala krásne nahriata a my si v krátkych tričkách užívame dĺžku za dĺžkou pohodového lezenia v super pevnej skale. Sem tam niečo mokré zo snehového poľa nad nami, dolez na vrchol už v poriadne mokrom, no to nám už pocity z peknej cesty nepokazí. Užívame si ešte krásne počasie na vrchole a poď ho na pivo.

The meeting will be held on 300-320 Dumps PDF Monday, when Testprepwell more than 10,000 guests will Learnguidepdf gather in New York. Tami Joan stared at the billboard – black, white and yellow, all smiling and waved. However, this painting seems to be something not quite right. The proportions and color of the characters are ignored, and each face looks the same pale. Tami Joan murmured Dead. They are galloping along the wide freeway. Under CBAP test the lights, the road reflects a 300-320 Dumps PDF disturbing yellow light. They passed the old Navys naval CBAP test port and again passed the Brooklyn Ferry Terminal. John finally stopped talking, pulled out a calculator from Texas Instruments, and started ticking some numbers. Tami Learnguidepdf Joan leaned back on the back of the Testprepwell chair looking out over foggy sidewalks and gloomy faces of those who sat on 300-320 Dumps PDF the brownstone porch overlooking the highway. In the heat, they seem to ADM-201 Practice Exam be ADM-201 Practice Exam in a semi-lethargic state. Taxi is also very 300-320 Dumps PDF hot. Tami Joan reaches for the window button and wants to lower the window a little. The window did not respond, but she did Testprepwell not feel surprised. She reached out across John and went to the other side of the window, but he was over there too. At ADM-201 Practice Exam this moment she noticed that the door locks on both sides had disappeared. Not even the door. Testprepwell She groping at CBAP test 300-320 Dumps PDF the door with her hand to find the remnants of the broken door handle. Nothing ADM-201 Practice Exam ADM-201 Practice Exam at all – as if someone CBAP test had sawn it with a hacksaw. What happened John asked. Well, this car door how do we Prepexamwell open it Just as John looked around the door, the logo for the Midtown Tunnel flashed ADM-201 Practice Exam past. Hi John tapped the partition. You forgot to bend, where are you going Maybe he wants to go to the Queensboro Bridge, Tameng conjectured. Although the road to go the bridge more distant, but can escape Learnguidepdf the tunnel toll station. She sat forward and beat the plexiglass with the ring on her hand. Do you want to Learnguidepdf go that bridge The driver ignored them. Hi Not long after, they passed through the entrance to the Queensboro Bridge again. Damn John shouted. Where are you going to bring us Harlem I bet he is going to take us to Harlem. Tami Joan looks out the window. A car is moving forward with them and slowly over them. She patted the window. Help She shouts, Help The drivers 300-320 Dumps PDF car Prepexamwell glanced at her inadvertently, ADM-201 Practice Exam then glanced, frowned. He slowed down and followed behind them. Testprepwell But then suddenly a taxi abrupt, down the exit ramp down the highway, into Queens. Taxis turn into an alley, galloping over an Testprepwell abandoned warehouse district, at a speed of at least 60 miles. What do you want to do Tamijong tapped the partition. Open slow Where is this Oh, God No John murmured, Look The driver did not know when to wear a ski boot. What do Testprepwell you want Shouted Tarim Joan. Do you want money We give you money. The man on the front ADM-201 Practice Exam Prepexamwell seat remained silent. Tami Joan opened the bag and removed her black laptop. She leaned back to the side of the window Testprepwell and hit the window hard with a laptop corner. The huge noise seemed to have shocked the driver on the front seat, but the windowpane was fine. Taxi suddenly biased, almost hit the brick wall of the roadside buildings. Give CBAP test you money How much I can Prepexamwell give you a lot of money John cried angrily, tears flowing down his obese cheeks. Tami Joan again smashed the window with the computer. The screen of the computer flew Prepexamwell out of the huge impact force, but the windows were still intact. She tried again, the Prepexamwell computers fuselage cracked, falling from her hand. Europe, ADM-201 Practice Exam Mom Both of them Prepexamwell were suddenly thrown violently forward. Taxi stopped abruptly in a dark alley. Driver drilled out of the car, holding a pistol in his hand. Please, please She begged. The driver walked Testprepwell to the back half of the taxi, bent over and looked through the ADM-201 Practice Exam dirty glass to the back seat.

This place Testprepwell is really messy. Lyme does not like the mess when cleaning 300-320 Dumps PDF the room. He does not Learnguidepdf like Learnguidepdf the kind of chaos and roar, can not stand the harsh vacuum cleaner – he found himself 300-320 Dumps PDF particularly CBAP test annoyed that stuff. He was satisfied with CBAP test it, satisfied with what it is now. This room, which he calls the office, is located on the second floor of this gothic, Upper West Side apartment overlooking the Central Park. The room was large, twenty by twenty feet square, but almost every inch of space was full of things. Sometimes he closes his eyes and plays a game trying to discern the scent of different objects in the room thousands of books and Testprepwell magazines, piles of copy paper, hot CBAP test TV transistors, dusty light bulbs, Bulletin boards made of cork, as well as different upholstery materials such as vinyl, hydrogen peroxide and latex. ADM-201 Practice Exam He can distinguish three different brands of Scotch Prepexamwell whiskey. And pest guano taste. I do not want to see him and tell him Im very busy. Theres another young police officer, Ernie Testprepwell Banks, Prepexamwell who is the same name as a professional baseball player, 300-320 Dumps PDF 300-320 Dumps PDF right You really should have me clean the room. Every time 300-320 Dumps PDF you wait until someone ADM-201 Practice Exam visits you, you Learnguidepdf will find out how dirty CBAP test it Prepexamwell is Learnguidepdf here. Visiting God, the word sounds really old, at ADM-201 Practice Exam least in Victorian Prepexamwell terms. Learnguidepdf Prepexamwell Far too far .– So to say, there will be a bad ceremony Dirty What Thomas said is room, but Lyme thinks he also includes himself as an employer. Lymes Learnguidepdf hair is dark and dense, like a twenty-year-old – though CBAP test he CBAP test is twice as old. However, they are entangled 300-320 Dumps PDF in a muddle-headdresses, grooming needs to be trimmed. Black beard on his face has not Learnguidepdf scratched three days, looks dirty. He often woke up from his Prepexamwell ADM-201 Practice Exam sleep because Learnguidepdf CBAP test of itchy ears, indicating that the hair there should be repaired. Lymes nails are long, fingernails and toenails are the same the ugly scary pajamas on his ADM-201 Practice Exam body have been worn continuously for a week without a change. His eyes were slender, his eyes ADM-201 Practice Exam dark brown, and his face looked rather 300-320 Dumps PDF pretty – I do not know if it was a big deal or something else, and Blaine told him more than once. CBAP test They want to talk to you, continued Thomas. They CBAP test said it was very CBAP test important. Well, let them know. You have not seen Leon for nearly a year. Why See him now Did you scare the bird If you scared the bird, beware I was in a hurry with you. Its very important, Lincoln. Very important, I remember 300-320 Dumps PDF what you just said. He had called earlier, I 300-320 Dumps PDF had a nap, and you were out again. You woke up until six in the morning. No, he paused. Yes, I woke up very early, but then I fell Testprepwell asleep again and slept well. Did you CBAP test check your message Thomas said There was no Testprepwell talk of him. He said he Prepexamwell would Prepexamwell It was around 10 oclock. Its just past eleven, and Testprepwell maybe hes temporarily called out of Testprepwell the emergency room, for a while. What do you want to say Did you just call . Maybe he wants to call in, and you 300-320 Dumps PDF just take up the line. I just What Prepexamwell did I say Lyme asked, See youre Learnguidepdf angry, Im not saying you Learnguidepdf can not call. You Of course its always possible, I just said he might make a phone Learnguidepdf call, and you just take the line. No, you mean, this morning, fucking everything is not pleasing to the eye. You know, theres one thing called call waiting, you can pick up two calls at Learnguidepdf a time.We should have applied for one.My old friend Leon wants to do.His professional baseball player friend wants Ask them. Ask me now.

K motyke neodmysliteľne patrí Lopata. Vynikajúce počasie sprevádzané výrazným oteplením nám dovolili vystúpiť cestou Lopata na Ostrý štít ešte 20. októbra. V podstate šlo o poslednú možnosť, ako si ešte zaliezť leto v Tatrách v tomto roku a my sme to patrične využili. Cesta nevedie až tak pevnou skalou, ale zato zaujímavým platňovým lezením. Vrchol Ostrého štítu však poskytuje nádherné výhľady a azda patrí medzi tie najkrajšie v Tatrách.

Okrem týchto tatranských výstupov sme priebežne skalkárčili vo všetkých lezeckých oblastiach v blízkom okolí: Dreveník, Vernár, Turniská, Tomašovský výhľad, Lučivná, ale aj na domácom Vabci.

Ta už sa len nejako pripraviť na zimu. Hore zdar!


Filip a Kamil




3 Responses

  1. Predseda

    Krasa, radost citat a pozerat, som rad ze je tu ďalšia tatranska generacia ;). Zdruff

  2. zavaky

    Super Kamil. Dlhsie som nebol na vabci takze o to krajsi navrat. Nech sa dari a je chut na dalsie horske tatranske lezenie.