…v pohodičke to tu je… alebo nedeľa na Gerlachu

posted in: Nezaradené | 5


Poznáte to, máte voľno a niekde v sebe opäť to nutkanie vyraziť  do hôr. Špekulujete čo, kde, ako, s kým… Otázku kedy ako obvykle určuje počasie. Nedeľa vyzerá celkom dobre. Hrošie je to s otázkou kde, kežde pri diskusii s  Majkou a Milanom od nich dostanem iba: ,, Ja neviem. Vyber niečo ty, ty to poznáš necháme to na teba.“ Takže ak sa nebude páčiť budem za toho zlého. Nevadí, čo už. Nejako mám chuť ísť pozrieť na Gerlach, normálkou sa mi nechce ale trasa cez Gypsiho ferratu do Tatmajerovho sedla s bonusom v podobe záverečného hrebienka vyzerá zaujímavo. Hľadám nejaké videjko a posielam či môže byť toto. Najprv sa trochu obávajú hrebeňa ale vravím že to len skresľuje gopro-čka a bude to v pohode. Takže dohodnuté, ide sa. Nasleduje skoré ranné vstávanie, preniekoho ľahsie, pre iného ťažšie. Po čelovkách na Sliezsky kde už začína svitať a obloha sa pekne zafarbuje.



Ráno pri Sliezskom dome


Chvíľu sa kocháme a pokračujeme ďalej vychodeným chodníkom až k Dlhému plesu. Tu stopa končí a musíme prešľapávať.



Nad Dlhým plesom


Slnko je stále silnejšie a silnejšie a my zhadzujeme jednu vrstvu za druhou.




Pomerne ľahko nájdeme komín smerujúci k „ferratke“, tu ešte nieje žiadna reťaz a tak sa lano celkom hodí, keďže to nieje úple choďák. Tu nás dobieha dvojica chalanov. V pohode týpci, vymeníme pár slov, posrandujeme. Za nimi je ešte vodca s klientom, samozrejme sa ponáhľaju a tiež sa pusťia do feratky takže na konci je celkom tesno.



He hurriedly recorded his conversation in a black book 200-125 Exam Dumps with a sweaty pen. Oh, just do it. Now, go to those trash cans, stay there and direct the traffic until the entire street is clear. Did CQE dumps you Learningpdf hear that She turned and left without saying anything good Prepexamwell or not, 300-101 Dumps Exam A street, began to slowly move a few Prepexamwell trash cans. Every driver who 200-125 Exam Dumps passed by her glared at her, and some mumbled in her mouth. Learningpdf Shakes glanced at the watch. Another hour I can hold on. 3 The peregrine falcon gently waving a few wings, landing in the edge of the windowsill. Outside the window, noon 300-101 Dumps Exam the sun bright and dazzling, the CQE dumps weather seems to be extremely hot. Finally, the man murmured, turning his head to the buzzing doorbell and looking at the 300-101 Dumps Exam door to the downstairs. 300-101 Dumps Exam Is he He shouted at the staircase, is it Lincoln Lyme turned his head to the window again without hearing any answer. The peregrine falcons head turned a little CQE dumps and moved very fast, just like a spasm, immediately returning to the original elegant gesture of keeping. Lyme noticed the blood stained its paw, and a piece of yellowish flesh was pulled by its small, black, nut shell-like beak. It stretches short neck, move slowly to the nest, the action is reminiscent of not a bird, but a snake. The peregrine Falcon dropped the meat 300-101 Dumps Exam into the small mouth of a blue-winged bird. 200-125 Exam Dumps What I now 200-125 Exam Dumps see is the only creature in New York City without any natural enemies, Lyme Learningpdf thought. Maybe God except God. He 200-125 Exam Dumps heard footsteps, and someone was walking up the stairs. Is he He asked Thomas. The young man answered, Prepexamwell No. Who is that The doorbell rang, is not it Thomass eyes looked at Prepexamwell the window. The bird is back.Look, theres blood CQE dumps on your windowsill.Do you see them The female peregrine faltered slowly into Lymes gaze. A blue-gray feather, gorgeous like fish. It is looking up, looking back and forth toward the sky. They are always together, will they be with them for life Exclaimed Thomas. Like a 300-101 Dumps Exam geese Learningpdf Lymes eyes returned to 300-101 Dumps Exam Thomas. The latter was bowing his strong, young waist 300-101 Dumps Exam forward, looking through the window, which was splashed with rain. Who is here Lyme asked again. He was annoyed by the deliberate delay of young people. Visitors. Visitors Ha Lyme snorted. He tried to recall when the last guest visit was. That is at least three months ago. Who was 300-101 Dumps Exam the guest last visited Maybe those reporters, Learningpdf or a 200-125 Exam Dumps distant relatives. Thats right, its Peter Chter, a spine neurologist in Lyme. Blaine has been here several times, but she certainly Learningpdf can not be a visitor. Its so cold here, complains Learningpdf Tommy, reaching out to open the window at the same time. Young typical performance. Lyme thought. Do not open the window, he ordered, well, tell me whos coming Its cold. Youre going to scare the Prepexamwell bird.You can turn off the air conditioner.Ill be closed. Lets open again, said Tangmajas forcefully to CQE dumps Learningpdf lift the thick wooden frame of the window. The two birds got accustomed to playing since they moved in. Hearing the noise, the two peregrine 200-125 Exam Dumps falcons Prepexamwell turned their 300-101 Dumps Exam heads and widened their eyes Learningpdf to the source of the noise. But they were just wide-eyed, still on the edge of the bay windows, overlooking monarchs overlooking the collapsed ginkgo trees in their territory and CQE dumps the 300-101 Dumps Exam car CQE dumps parked on both sides of the street. Lyme asked again Whos coming Leon Salet. Leon What did he do Prepexamwell Thomas looked back and forth at the room.

I am asking you now. They want to see you. I only know these. Because they have something, they are not, they are regular, heavy, and want. Lincoln. Tone. The handsome young man reached for CQE dumps his blond hair. He 200-125 Exam Dumps CQE dumps was wearing brown trousers and a white shirt, tied with a blue tie and the bow tie was flawless. When he hired Tommar a year ago, Lyme once told him that he could wear jeans and a T-shirt to work whenever he wanted. But from that day until now, he has 200-125 Exam Dumps been meticulously dressed. Lyme did 200-125 Exam Dumps not know if it was because he had kept the young man so far, but he did. No one had been in custody before Thomas Prepexamwell Learningpdf before for 200-125 Exam Dumps six weeks, and Learningpdf those who resigned were CQE dumps tantamount CQE dumps to excommunication. Well, 200-125 Exam Dumps how do Prepexamwell you tell them I told them to give me a few minutes to let 200-125 Exam Dumps me see if you got dressed first, and then they 200-125 Exam Dumps could come up. You did not ask me Self-assertion. Thank you very much. Thomas back CQE dumps to 200-125 Exam Dumps take a few steps toward Learningpdf the small stairs downstairs shouted Come Prepexamwell on, gentlemen. CQE dumps What did they say to you, is not it Said, Learningpdf You have something to hide from me. Thomas did not answer. Raim looked at the two Prepexamwell men up the stairs. When they first entered the room Lyme first 300-101 Dumps Exam spoke. He said to Thomas Putting on the curtains, you have already disturbed the two birds too much. The actual meaning of this sentence 300-101 Dumps Exam was that he had enjoyed the bright morning sunshine. Can not speak. Sticking to the mouth 300-101 Dumps Exam of the tape stinky and sticky, so that she can not pronounce a word. She felt despair more helplessly than the cold, handcuffed metal on her wrist, compared to the short, stout fingers on her shoulders. The taxi driver, still wearing a ski boot, led Learningpdf her to a dark, damp corridor that ran through the rows Prepexamwell of pipes and plumbing to the basement of an office building. But she does not know where the exact location is. If I can speak to him T. J. Kofax is a fun person. Morgan Stanley third floor of the mother of insects. A Learningpdf negotiator. money Do you want money I give you money, a lot of money, boy. But more than a few. She thought the remarks more than ten times, desperately trying to seize his eyes as if she could deliver the remarks into his head. Beg for you, she begged silently. She started thinking of her CQE dumps 401 k 300-101 Dumps Exam Retirement Savings Fund an important U.S. tax deferred savings plan to 200-125 Exam Dumps CQE dumps protect retiree benefits, with CQE dumps about 42 million people participating Learningpdf and Prepexamwell a total asset pool of more than 2 trillion. – translator, she can give her all the pensions to him. Oh, beg you She remembered the Prepexamwell scene 300-101 Dumps Exam of the last night The man turned around Prepexamwell after watching the fireworks, pulled them off and put handcuffs on them. He Prepexamwell put them close to the trunk, and then re-drive the road.


Nasleduje dlhé snehové pole a žľab až do Tatmajerovho sedla. Chlapci nám ale prešľapávajú stopu tažke sa nám ide super.



V sedle uvažujeme či ešte vybehnúť na Zadný Gerlach no nevieme ako dlho by nám to trvalo a iné výhovorky a tak už ideme po hrebeni na Gerlach. V úvode je hrebeň pomerne strmý a nevyzerá práve najľahšie, hlavne v zime. Postupne sa však ukazuje kade-kam treba ísť. Raz  sprava, raz zľava…


pohľad na hrebeň zo sedla


Majka na hrebeni, vzadu Zadný Gerlach


Neskôr sa hrebeň vyrovnáva a sú na ňom 2-3 metrové výsvihy. Miestami potrápili, také preliezky, sem tam trošku zoskočiť, inokedy zas vykopnúť nohu skoro až ku hlave a následne sa postaviť, praktizovanie jógy je teda výhodou.


Zrovnieva sa, aspoň z diaľky.



Pred vrcholom sa pýtam Majky, že ako, či to zvláda, predsa  je to len jej druhý tatranský vrchol. Vysmiata mi odpovedá: ,,v pohodičke to tu je.“ Milan ako stále takisto bez problémov všetko prekonáva. Na vrchole sme pomerne neskoro a tak po odchode dvojky máme vrchol len pre seba čo je na Gerlachu pomerne vzácny úkaz. Počasie je krásne ani sa nám dolu nechcelo ísť no nedá sa nič robiť.



Vrcholovka, foťák pre istotu zaštandovaný


Zostupujeme už  v riadnej brečke a tak sa radčej celý žľab istíme čo síce zaberá kopec času, no radčej pomaly a bezpečne. Tož ďalší pekný deň za nami v naších krásnych malých veľhorách. Túru hodnotíme veľmi pozítívne a určite odporúčame, nejde však o choďák ale o trasu hraničiacu s lezením takže bacha.



5 Responses

  1. Šaky

    Paráda Kamilku, tá si bol jak vodca :), super fotky pocko všetko. A nabudúce už dačo kolmejšie ne 🙂

  2. Kamil

    Diky, a ta oni sú šikovny len treba trochu pomôcť zo začiatku. Jasne chcelo by to, ale postupne všetko, zo zimy mám veľký rešpekt…

  3. Adrian Kormanik

    Nádhera Kamil klobúk dole škoda že som nemohol ísť dúfam ze nabuduce sa pridám aj Ja. Počasie jak vyšité.